Tuesday, August 4, 2015

C A M P F I R E SONG and if you dont think that you can sing it faster than you're wrong but it will help if you just sing alongg. . .bum bum bum...

Hola familia sucia (you've all gone campin fur a couple days haven't ya?) I've gotta say I am jealous but at the same time I am not. I am literally loving every minute out here in my beautiful country of Argentina.

This week started off interesting haha we went to Ezeiza to room with the other 4 hermanas before the District meeting on Tuesday but when we got there after a long day of travelin they told us that their toilet had been broken for 2 days hahaha umm what do you do with 6 hermanas without a bathroom? I've got it! Let's just sleep in the church! So that's what we did! With permission of course. . .we decided that the most comfortable room was the nursery (it's the only room with carpet. . . dirty carpet, but it's carpet so i'll take it!) It was a fun sleepover and totally worth it. I don't know if I had ever stayed the night in the church before, I guess there is a first for everything!

Prayer time :) Haahahahahaha
Miracles of the week: On our way home in omnibus we started talking to an elderly man whom we found out was a Jew. At first he didn't want to have anything to do with us but once we started talking to him about the Book of Mormon he got really interested! I just kept thinking about all the prophecies that declare how the Book of Mormon will go forth unto the Jews by the hand of the Gentiles. He gladly accepted it and said he was going to read. I love living the scriptures!

Romelí (11) is perhaps the sweetest, smartest girl I know. Have I told you about her? She reads the Libro de Mormón in English and Spanish and absorbs every gospel principle we teach her like a sponge. I am so happy this week because even though her parents don't support her in going to church, Familia Berasain (members) offered to take her in their car, even in their humble cirsumstances. Romel'i loved church and they have offered to go and pick her up and take her every Sunday! I am so happy that she now has that support! I know that one day she will be an incredible missionary. 

This is a picture of Romelí and her little sissy Franchesca singing "Soy un hijo de Dios" with us. Romelí has all the words memorized and Franchesca commands us to sing it several times every time we come over.
So God works in misterious ways. Saturday my bike broke and so we had to call taxi to get to church Sunday morning (we live forever away from the church haha) Well while we were getting ready to go I felt a prompting so strongly that I needed to call the taxi in that very moment. I though... pshhh thats crazy cause we're not even ready to go yet.. #premadonnahere.....But then I felt it again.... "Call NOW" So I did! The taxi arrived super fast and we had to fly out the door, but when we started talking to the driver I quickly found out why we had to leave in that precise moment. He started telling us about how he's read the whole Libro de Mormón, that 2 Hermanas gave him one and in 6 months he read it ALL...He lives on a deserted farm so no one was there to teach him about it, but he says he loved every part. I almost didn't believe him but then he started to tell about all the stories it contains! My jaw dropped, I asked him if he had prayed to know if it was true.. he said that had never occurred to him! Apparently he missed the last couple pages of Moroni haha! Well long story short we invited him in that moment to have a tour of the church and he said that out of all the churches he likes the mormon one the most haha. He also said that next week he's coming to church with his family :) I love how the Lord works miracles!

I love every moment of my mission! Even the hard ones! I love being a servant in the Lords hands! I love the Book of Mormon. I want to be like the prophets of old like Nefi Enos, Ammon, Moroni, Eter... I have such a testimony that we hold in our hands the fulness of the everlasting gospel, and I love to declare it to my fellow argentinos.
Bus trip with the Elderes

Just a regular day of work in Las Flores.....
 at least the cats attend us at the door
when some people don´t during nap hour.

This dog is named Moroni and he seriously follows us ALL around town! Everytime we find him lying about he sees us and runs to us and follows us to our next appointment! Haha he is our very best friend and protector!

District Pday  movies and beered roast.

Yes..... he really is puttin BEER in the food.

Happpy Pioneer Day!!! Our bike wheels aren´t too hip but we're still pioneers here in Las Flores



HAY dad, how's that argentine sky for ya now huh?????? I think I got ya beat, sorry.


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