HELADO (Have you noticed we kindof eat a lot of food?)
This week was a really good one. I have loved getting to know my new companion. One of the highlights was the Mayra and Emanuel's wedding on Friday! We chucked rice, ate Chorripan and the whole deal. They are so awesome- the day we told them that they need to get married in order to be baptised, the very next day they went and signed up civily. They were really hoping to get baptised this week and they LOVE the gospel! But they are really struggling to quit smoking. They are down to one cigarette a day but its hard for them to quit completely. We are trying to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ and the enabling power of His atoning sacrifice because we know that that will be what brings the miracle. Pray for them please!
Wedding day! Little Alán pequeñito is excited for his
parents. I taught him the peace sign :)
Little Alán was a either a little distracted or angry about
his parents gettin hitched.
Yesterday in Sunday School the teacher asked us when was the last time we asked our Father in Heaven in humble prayer if Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. I realized that I've never asked him directly like that because I've never doubted it and it was always something that I just believed. But I decided to do it and I can say that I've already recieved an answer from the Holy Ghost. It doesn't matter how many times we have already felt that truth, we can ask in humble prayer and our Father will respond every time. I can promise you that. And once you come to feel of that spiritual truth, you will know also by the same spirit that this is His church and that the Book of Mormon is His word. That this is His plan! I invite you all to try it. To ask your Father in Heaven in humble prayer this week and then search for His answer. I know you will find it.
I've realized the reality of answered prayers this week. I fell sick this Saturday but I prayed hard that I would be able to make it to church, and I also prayed for many named people, investigators and less actives and members, that they would also be able to go. That next morning I woke up a lot better and smiled SO big as I entered the church to see EVERY SINGLE person that I had named in my prayer, there in Gods meetinghouse where they belong. I never doubt the power of prayer. I have seen SO many miracles through prayers of faith. I'm learning more and more how to cook haha believe it or not. I can now make a very delicious home made pizza, fried potato tortillas, and much more! As a missionary sometimes you have two options: learn to cook or starve to death.
Tortilla time!
For petes sake Napolean just make yourself a dang
Luciano is a recent convert and the brother of Manuel. UN
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