Saturday, March 28, 2015

Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!

I want to tell you about the miracles that are happening here to me in my mission and how good the Lord is being to me. 

 Sunday I witnessed a miracle that I'll never forget- Remember Nora? Her baptismal date was set for the 28th of March and she was all set, progressing and super excited about how she was able to quit smoking after recieving a Priesthood blessing.It was super hard for her to give up smoking and she was always a little self concious of it. Until a member made a remark in church this last Sunday about how her breath smells different. The member meant to say that it smells better- not so much like smoke. But Nora took it way wrong and got super offended, thinking that she was accusing her of smelling like smoke. I've never seen anyone change their mind about something so quick. Nora said bluntly and directly, "I'm not going to be baptised." She was so angry and offended that she didn't even want to stay for Sacrament Meeting. Somehow we got her to stay, but the whole meeting she was crying tears of hurt. Before the closing prayer ended she murmured "You'll never convince me to change my mind" and up and left. After the meeting we were super distraught, praying like crazy that we could find the means of letting the Spirit touch her heart once more. 

We flew on our bikes after church to the rescue haha. She invited us in and we started small talk. Then she stated again "I'm not going to do it. I've already decided" silence....... We invited the Spirit with a song and prayer, listened to her carefully and I'll tell you right now every word that came out of my mouth that lesson was not mine. We read 2 Nefi 31 and explained the whole reason for baptism and how it is a commandment. After reading verse 10 And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?

we explained that if she made the choice not to be baptised she would probably go on living a good life. The Lord would continue to bless her because He loves her. The scriptures say that whosoever shall not be baptised shall be damned. Another word for damned could be "Unable to progress" Like a beavers dam, the living water that Jesus Christ wants us to partake of is kept from us, the real blessings that come from participating in Jesus Christ's Atonement are haulted, and we are impided from recieving them, until we open up the door of baptism, break the dam, and begin to excersize the gift of His grace. We testified that baptism is necessary, that it's not just something we do to be part of a congregation. The blessings of Eternal Life are only recieved as we take upon us His name and are changed by Him- little by little, every day until we reach that perfect day and we realize that we have become like Him. Nora will be baptised this coming Saturday. I never lost faith in her :) After feeling the Spirit testify to her heart  she accepted to follow Jesus Christ and put away her feelings of hurt and anger. She is such an example to me. 

Guess what I did this week for fun? We went to the lake and saw the wild Carpinchos. They are like a weird animal- hippo and wombat mixed together and they only live in Las Flores! Haha how lucky am I to meet the Carpinchos! Tell Payton that I am among my own kind! I'll send pics next week causeI can't in this place. 

P-Day at the Park

You better work hard, you better not cry! 
You better preach right I'm tellin you why....
Hermana Flake is comin to town! 

Model shot with the Carpinchos ....... intense
Just MMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOvin around town........ 
 hehe haha hae hae he ha ho! 
Model shot with Carpinchos

On the road again.... I cant wait to get OFF the road again.... 
 Dad- You´'re right about all the traveling!!! Its driving me bonkers! 

Travis- you need to add this to his facebook page
 and tag him in it hahaha!!! 
Un elefante se columpiaba sobre la tela de una araña! 
Como veía que resistía fuera a llamar otro elefante! 

Monday, March 9, 2015


I can't tell y'all how much I'm loving this tiny town. We are so isolated out here haha our branch consists of about 25 active members and it was super easy to get to know all of them pretty quick. I've become the new Gospel Principles teacher and I think we'll be giving quite a few talks in Sacrament Meeting. The members here are few but they are amazing! We've actaully met the very first pioneers of Las Flores because the first member was baptized 40 short years ago. 

So technically there's not a rule against taking pictures  while BIKING. Besides, we're in Las Flores Argentina where it's chill, during nap hour when NO ONE's outside and even the dogs are sleeping. 
Everything is so chill here, it reminds me a lot of Snowflake haha everyone knows everyone. 
These first weeks have consisted of trying to figure out a routine. We've had a lot of distractions like looking for a new pench (Our little square room is growing mold), getting new bikes (The Elders left us broken ones) getting a new phone (that was broken too)  figuring out where everything is (That wasnt too hard given this place is tiny) and on top of all of that: TRAVELING. Just to get to a zone meeting we had to take a million buses and trains to arrive there the day before and then stay there two nights before coming home to our comfy town. Our District Leader actually told us this week that we're technically not even part of the mission haha. That made us feel special. :) 

I've told ya about Nora, she is amazing and progressing a lot! Which makes us happy cause she's our only progressing investigator. We have make a lot of goals to just talk with EVERYONE here! We figure that if we can fill this tiny town with knowledge of the Book of Mormon in the time we have here there must be a handful who are ready to accept it. 

Planning with our helmets on. Sometimes we need it. 

I Believe I can Fly!


I love my compa haha we have some good laughs. Today we decided to have a P-day picnic and we rode our bikes to the Las Flores lake and tried out all the cool exercise machines at the park haha. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Wheels

Hola Familia!
WOW I am the most excited person in this Argentina Cyber right now!!!  I AM SO PROUD OF YOU LOBOS!!!!! I was praying every day for them this week! I am soooooo happy and proud of my trav man! 
Well now I cant remember anything that happened this week cause I'm so excited haha! And even more, this week has been so crazy with the Whitewash and everything! All I can say is that I love the people of Las Flores. This place reminds me a lot of Snowflake. Its our first week and we already know basically all the streets. We have one investigator named Nora and she is so amazing! She is trying to quit smoking to reach her baptismal date and she rode with us to church this Sunday on our bikes. Its only her 2nd sunday and she bore her testimony in Sacrament Meeting! 
Our branch is super small.. 30 people more or less active. But there is a strength here and I love it. Sorry I can write a lot this week! 
Love you all know I am so happy for ya! 
Hermana Flake 

New Wheels
    Zone Activity - Flour Fight!!!

With Hermana Alldredge From MTC District

We Found The Forbidden Fruit


I Kill You! Hashtag Flour Fight

Meanwhile...... Back at Home Travis is winning the State Championship!!
I cant tell you how happy this makes me and how happy the pictures made meee!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love the first one and Travis's face!!!! It is so awesome my spanglish utterance cant describe it!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooo happy and proud of him!!!! and the whole team! I was praying for them thursday friday and saturday! haha wow how is Travis??? I am just so happyyyyy!!!!!!!