P-Day Activity - Bowling with the District
"This is me being a complete gazzell hahaha mom your not
allowed to put this on the blog! ( unless you really reall want to )"
This week's letter is too good not to share the whole thing:
Hola fam fam!
I hope you´re all relishing and breathing in that
beautiful General Conference! I can´t tell you how wonderful mine was. It
rained the whole weekend here in Argentina. Because I serve in an area real
close to the mission offices, all the Yankees (North Americans) got to watch
the conference in English upstairs on the computer if we wanted to. I chose to
and I'm glad I did! It felt like I was home hearing the real voices of the
prophets and not a Spanish translation haha. Plus I missed talking in English
and being a part of that sweet corny Mormon humor. We did watch the Spanish
talks in Spanish though and that was cool! Plus I´m sorry but the whole time
the Chinese man was talking all I could think about was 'Noodles..... noodles
noodles.....noodles...` hahaha
My favorite talks were by Richard G. Scott and David A. Bednar. I
absolutely loved the promises in Richard G. Scotts voice as he told us to make
a habit of these 4 simple things 1. Family Prayer 2. Scripture Study 3. Family
Home Evening 4. Go to the Temple Regularly , and that as these things become a
habit, we will set our lives at peace with the Atonement of Jesus Christ, who
is, the Prince of Peace. So many times we forget the power in obeying the small
and simple things but I know that those are just the things that make all the
difference in the world. We can´t afford to shrug them off! Also what David A.
Bednar said about the motivation behind missionary work.
It is so true that if we are sincerely converted to the
Lord, sharing the Gospel will be a natural consequence because we cannot hold
in the joy that fills our hearts from truly dedicating our lives to Jesus
I could talk all day about the conference. I hope you all
enjoyed it as much as I did. I made a list of 27 things, one for every talk,
small specific things that I am going to do to change. I have never felt so
happy and content. Of course these things aren´t possible to do all at once,
but I now that I understand the Atonement more clearly I understand that God
does not give us word that we cannot follow line upon line, precept upon
precept. I hope the conference has helped change you and brought you closer to
putting Jesus Christ the center of your lives.
Okay okay sorry for the preaching haha I can´t help it
the missionary adrenaline is running in my veins haha this week was just an
awesome one. We had interviews with President Thurgood and he told me straight
out that Hermana Jimenez is getting transfered this transfer. We were both
expecting that cause she´s been here almost 8 months! The APs won´t stop
telling me that I speak the language well enough and that I´m ready to train
this transfer, and I was laughing along with them until I found out they were
serious! I sure do not know how I feel about that haha. It´s also so fun to
chat with Hna Thurgood about how much we miss Walmart.
So they called me to be in charge of the missionary stake
choir and I am the director haha! I have never directed a choir before and our
first practice was pretty much a train wreck but a really fun one. My choir is
a mix of everything There are a couple tone-deaf Yankees Edleres, typical
tenors, and a couple Native Elderes that have never looked at music before. I
decided that we´re going to sing Our Saviors love for Stake conference.
So a quick cool story from this week. We were clapping on
doors with a RM Hermano Gaston when we felt we should clap on a certain yellow
house. A woman answered and looked at us disgustedly and waved us off, but we
explained that we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints and then she stopped, and walked toward us, apolagizing and saying
that she thought we were Testigos. (So many people confuse us with Jehovah
Witnesses here, and nobody likes them because they are insanely persistent and
pushy) We talked to her a little bit and I had a feeling I should show her el
Libro de Mormon. I told her that we are known as Mormones because of this book,
and she took one look at it and started to cry. We just stood their in silence
and she finally explained that her father had connections with that book and
that she wanted one. We visited her again a couple days later and she had
already started to read it. We´re really excited to start teaching her. Her name
is Susannah:) Well that´s about it folks. I hope yáll know how incredibly happy
I am here. Conference made me miss you but I am so sincerely content because I
am learning to align my life with Jesus Christ. The more powerful our
conversion, the greater happiness we feel from every single moment.
Con mucho amor
Hermana Flake
She found a piano!!!! |
Elisa, Hna Flake, Hna Jiminez, Sofy eating Empanadas!!! |